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A large group of people stand outside the Scottish Parliament building. They are holding lots of different colourful banners and placards.
14 Nov 2018

Fighting for Scotland’s nature

We’ve joined a campaign with 35 other charities to ask for an Environment Act for Scotland to protect our nature, after Brexit​.

Chris Pine as Robert the Bruce in the Outlaw King film. In this still, he is shown higher than his surrounding men, who carry shields and spears.
14 Nov 2018

Lights, camera, fact-ion

We’re bringing Scotland to the silver screen.

A view of the entrance to Pollok House, seen from the surrounding woodland.
13 Nov 2018

Pollok House – explore one of the hidden wonders of Scotland

Braes High student Lauren Miller continues her tour of Trust properties – this time she pops into Pollok House and blogs about her visit there.

A view of a wide glen at Mar Lodge Estate, with a river winding its way through the centre. The surrounding hills are clad in heather and pine plantations.
13 Nov 2018

Trust joins urgent bid for an Environment Act for Scotland

The Trust is one of 35 environmental charities calling for an Environment Act for Scotland.

12 Nov 2018

Lecture shares secrets of Project Reveal

Find out more about Project Reveal at a special lecture this November.

12 Nov 2018

Revealing archaeology

During July, August and September 2018, a post-graduate student from Glasgow University completed a work placement with the National Trust for Scotland’s archaeologists.

9 Nov 2018

The sale of the season

Drum Castle hosts a live auction to celebrate the fabulously popular exhibition – Marian Clayden: Dressing Up Drum.

Fyvie Painting finishing touches
9 Nov 2018

Tap the Past

We’re delighted to have partnered with Bank of Scotland and VISA to bring contactless to the Trust.

A black and white photo of a man walking by the coast on Canna.
9 Nov 2018

An unexpected visitor / Cuideigin aig nach robh sinn an dùil

We partnered with the Scottish Book Trust for the October instalment of their short story competition. Here are the winners! Dh'obraich sinn le Urras Leabhraichean na h-Alba air a' cho-fharpais seo. Chaidh iarraidh air luchd-sgriobhaidh sgeulachd goirid a sgrìobhadh. Seo na fheadhainn a bha soirbheachail!