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An oil painting of a rowing boat moored at the side of a loch. It is sunset. There are mountains on the far side of the loch. Reeds and long grass grow along the banks.
4 Mar 2021

Relaxing Trust landscapes

Listen to a relaxing description of three beautiful landscape paintings in our care.

An embroidered bedspread on a single bed. The design includes Mackintosh-style roses.
2 Mar 2021

Jane Younger and art

To mark Women’s History Month, we take a closer look at Jane Younger, sister of Anna Blackie of the Hill House, Helensburgh.

Collage of old photos of women .actresses in various costumes and poses
1 Mar 2021

Photos of actresses (and their amazing lives) from the Tenement House

We take a closer look at Miss Toward’s collection of images of famous leading ladies and uncover the dramatic lives behind them.

A half portrait of a young Georgian man, wearing a green velvet jacket. He holds one hand to his heart, and is looking off to the side, in a somewhat romantic pose. He has dark curly hair that falls to his ears.
23 Feb 2021

William Alexander, 11th Duke of Hamilton (1811–63)

Regional Curator Sarah Beattie is back with another blog exploring the lives of some of the Hamilton family, and the impact they had on the building, collections and interiors at Brodick Castle.

Grand room in a castle, with a large stone fireplace on a wood-panelled wall. There is a grand piano next to the window at one end of the room, and paintings and tapestries on the wall.
19 Feb 2021

The ideal souvenir

The second in our series A Student’s View, looks at the origins of ‘ideal’ beauty and why we collect souvenirs.

Black and white photograph of an old woman sitting at a large spinning wheel.
15 Feb 2021

Working from home, then and now

With many people currently experiencing the pros and cons of working from home, we wondered how weavers and their families managed to do it almost 200 years ago!

Two black and white photos side by side: on the left is a woman in a long dress sitting on a chair in front of a fireplace: the photo on the right shows the head and shoulders of a young man with dark hair. He has a distinctive moustache and a cravat.
12 Feb 2021

Charles Rennie Mackintosh and Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh – a modern couple

Discover more about the Mackintoshes’ romantic relationship and their progressive thinking.

A pair of pink nylon elasticated, frilled garters, with a blue embroidery in the centre. They are displayed against a plain grey background.

Garters at the National Trust for Scotland

Vikki Duncan, Curator for our North region, takes a look at two very different sets of garters in our collection.

A view of a grand gallery room, with wood-panelled walls and skylight panels all along the ceiling. Gilt-framed paintings hang on the walls. The floor is covered by two large Turkish rugs. There is a very grand marble fireplace at the far end of the room, with two easy chairs before it. A number of wooden tables, some with vases of flowers upon them, stand around the room, with one in the centre.
9 Feb 2021

The Great Eight at Broughton House

Sarah L Jackson, a guide at Broughton House & Garden, tells us what to look out for at the property.