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An open wooden musical box, with various pegged pieces inside -- a little bit like with Battleships. There is a drawer either side of the base; both are open to reveal spare pegs and counters. In front of the box are a number of dice, counters and sheets of music.
8 Feb 2018

Let’s play a game …

Inside a box, inside a cupboard, inside the Georgian House, Project Reveal uncovers a rare musical treasure.

A ruined castle perches on a headland with the calm bay behind it. There is a round hole in the old stone wall, which maybe once was a window.

Little gems

Our Little Gems are of historic or natural interest and have been given to the Trust to preserve their unique qualities for future generations. They’re off the beaten track but will reward keen visitors with their beauty and distinctiveness.

A man stands holding a large square mallet by a large block of stone. He is in a glass building. He wears protective glasses and an apron.
6 Feb 2018

Accreditation where it’s due

Ensuring conservation skills are retained and shared is just as important as protecting historic buildings.

Woodland rambling and brambling in Newhailes

The aim of the day was to encourage over fifties, and their families from black and ethnic minority groups to experience and enjoy outdoor spaces.

5 Feb 2018

Take me outside: primary school explores Eddlewood

Exploring Eddlewood was a programme of six outdoor learning sessions designed to help pupils with behaviour issues to step beyond the school gate

A close-up of an old painting, showing an older bearded man sitting at a table with younger boy pupils sitting around him. They are listening as he talks.
31 Jan 2018

The return of Brodie’s rock star

One of Brodie’s most popular paintings takes pride of place in the revamped Picture Gallery.

A tall-towered, pink-walled castle stands surrounded by trees in their autumn colour. Rolling hills can be seen in the background.
30 Jan 2018

Small electrical fire extinguished at Craigievar Castle

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service have put out a contained electrical fire at the Aberdeenshire castle

£1 entry to NTS sites for young people
29 Jan 2018

£1 entry to Trust sites for young people

The Trust has teamed up with Young Scot to offer cardholders entry to properties for just £1.

A very large group of people stand by a red carpet in a ballroom, all holding large paper cheques above their heads for large sums of money.
25 Jan 2018

Players helping heritage

The Trust is delighted to have attended the 2018 People’s Postcode Lottery annual Charity Gala where it was announced that £93.4 million was awarded to charities and good causes in 2017 – thanks to players of People’s Postcode Lottery.