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A group of people are working in a woodland, clearing material into large sacks. A lady leans against a rake in the foreground, taking a brief rest.

Volunteer with us

The National Trust for Scotland offers a host of interesting volunteering opportunities.

Hill of Tarvit seen from the lawns below on a sunny day. Manicured yew hedges define the terraces leading up to the house, which is surrounded by tall trees.
6 Mar 2017

The Kingdom of Fife

This beautiful corner of Scotland has developed distinct traditions and architecture.

The exterior of the stone Barry Mill with the millrace outflow pouring out at the side.
6 Mar 2017

Dundee & Angus

Let your imagination take flight.

A view of a grassy mountainside, with tall peaks in the distance.
6 Mar 2017

Loch Lomond, The Trossachs, Stirling & Forth Valley

Central Scotland features many of our most captivating properties.

Red flags stand in a line on a moorland. Heavy grey clouds hang in the sky.
1 Mar 2017

Sgeulachdan Seumasach: Cùil Lodair an-diugh

B' e Cùil Lodair am blàr làmh-ri-làimh mu dheireadh air talamh Bhreatainn. Pàirt de chòmhstri creideimh agus poileataigs nas motha san Roinn Eòrpa, dh'atharraich am blàr goirid ach fuilteach cùrsa eachdraidh.

A reenactment photo of a group of Jacobite soldiers, charging across a foggy moor. They hold targes and swords.
1 Mar 2017

Sgeulachdan Seumasach: Blàr Chùil Lodair

CChaidh cùrsa eachdraidh Bhreatainn, na h-Eòrpa agus an t-saoghail atharrachadh an seo aig Cùil Lodair air 16 Giblean 1746.

Jacobite Stories: Before Culloden
1 Mar 2017

Sgeulachdan Seumasach: Ro Chùil Lodair

Bho na 1630an bha poileataigs agus creideamh ann am Breatann ann an ùpraid. Bha cogadh sìobhalta daonnan a' bagairt agus Alba, Èirinn agus Sasainn a' strì ri dòigh a lorg air a bhith rèidh ri chèile.

A wooden harpsichord stands in a grand drawing room, with gilt-framed paintings on the wall behind. A stool sits before the harpsichord and sheet music rests on top.
1 Mar 2017

Edinburgh & The Lothians

Grand houses, gorgeous gardens and architectural oddities abound in this region.