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The reverse of a postcard, which is addressed to Miss Agnes Blackie. It says: Why is an elephant like a kettle? Because neither can climb a tree!
4 Nov 2020

The Hill House: the Blackie family abroad

At a time before air travel was possible for most people, wealthy Victorians and Edwardians still loved to explore the globe!

A straight-sided jar wrapped in grey waxed paper, with a brown paper lid tied on with string. On the front is an oval cream-coloured paper label on which is printed in black Wilkin & Sons Ltd Fine-Cut Marmalade, with the royal warrant coat of arms in the centre.
3 Nov 2020

Jam, jelly or preserves

As autumn moves into winter we reflect on the transformation of summer’s bounty into food for the long months ahead.

An oil painting, with a rounded top, of a very pale man lying in bed. He is covered by a white sheet up to his neck. A book lies open on a footstool by his bed.
30 Oct 2020

William Beckford (1760–1844): part one

Regional Curator Sarah Beattie continues her series, looking at the lives of some of the Hamilton family and exploring the impact they had on the building, collections and interiors at Brodick Castle. This time she examines the early life of William Beckford.

A black and white photograph of three people dressed in unusual Halloween costumes. The figure on the left wears a long dark skirt, a wool jacket and a mask made from a sheep's face. The figure in the centre has a tight leather mask tied over his face. The figure on the right is almost completely covered by a large, shaggy fleece, and carries a walking cane. All are standing outdoors in a field, with croft houses just visible in the background.
29 Oct 2020

A Hebridean Halloween

The otherworldly magic of a traditional Hebridean Halloween was captured on camera by Margaret Fay Shaw. Enjoy a glimpse of celebrations in the past.

Black and white engraving of a man in 17th-century costume. He has a moustache and long dark hair.
29 Oct 2020

Gladstone’s Land and the murder allegation

Gladstone’s Land was once home to a murder suspect.

A woman and a man leaning over a book. The woman is checking the surface of the book carefully using a torch.
27 Oct 2020

Behind the scenes of the ‘From Camera to Canvas’ exhibition

Get a glimpse of the unseen work that’s going into putting on the first major exhibition on E A Hornel in 35 years.

Red flags stand in a line, some distance apart from each other, on Culloden Battlefield.
27 Oct 2020

Was there a Jamaican man at the Battle of Culloden?

As part of Black History Month in October 2020 we took a closer look at an embroidered picture on display in the visitor centre at Culloden, which was thought to depict a West Indian man on the Jacobite side at the battle of Culloden in 1746.

Black and white photograph of two small girls sitting next to each other in front of a 'cut out' piano in a photographer's studio.

The turn of the page: a photographic ghost story

We explore Victorian studio photography through a fictional ghost story!

An old gold and cream silk dress is displayed on a mannequin against a plain grey background. It has a tight bodice section, with a long full skirt. Red flowers decorate the silk at the back.
22 Oct 2020

The tale of a silk dress: part 2

Read the next entry in our imagined diary of a beautiful silk dress, as she continues her account of her exciting travels, leading to her final destination.