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A reenactment photo of a group of Jacobite soldiers, charging across a foggy moor. They hold targes and swords.
1 Mar 2017

Sgeulachdan Seumasach: Blàr Chùil Lodair

CChaidh cùrsa eachdraidh Bhreatainn, na h-Eòrpa agus an t-saoghail atharrachadh an seo aig Cùil Lodair air 16 Giblean 1746.

Jacobite Stories: Before Culloden
1 Mar 2017

Sgeulachdan Seumasach: Ro Chùil Lodair

Bho na 1630an bha poileataigs agus creideamh ann am Breatann ann an ùpraid. Bha cogadh sìobhalta daonnan a' bagairt agus Alba, Èirinn agus Sasainn a' strì ri dòigh a lorg air a bhith rèidh ri chèile.

A wooden harpsichord stands in a grand drawing room, with gilt-framed paintings on the wall behind. A stool sits before the harpsichord and sheet music rests on top.
1 Mar 2017

Edinburgh & The Lothians

Grand houses, gorgeous gardens and architectural oddities abound in this region.

A burn runs to the edge of the hill before dropping over. Just to the left of the burn is a stony path running across the grassy hillside.
1 Mar 2017

Dumfries & Galloway

Discover great people, places and gardens.

A pond in a garden, surrounded with colourful flower beds and rhododendrons in bloom. A statue of a heron stands in the middle of the pond.
1 Mar 2017

Argyll & The Isles

You don’t need to travel far into Argyll to discover scenes of breathtaking beauty.

A view of Culzean Castle at dusk, with the setting sun making the walls glow red. The castle is seen from the beach below.
1 Mar 2017

Ayrshire & Arran

Inspiration through the centuries.

A view of a grand drawing room, with many red furnishings. Oil paintings hang on the patterned walls.
1 Mar 2017

Aberdeen City & Shire

Follow the castle trail around Aberdeenshire.

A view looking down an avenue of trees on a sunny day towards a grand country house. The sea and hills can just be seen in the distance.
28 Feb 2017

Angus Members’ Centre

The Angus Members’ Centre is a local support group run by members, for members.