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Showing 248 results for History and archaeology. Clear filter
Revealing our collections
21 Jul 2017

Revealing our collections

Over the next 18 months we will share behind-the-scenes insights on the progress of our collections inventory project with you.

Smugglers of Culzean
4 Jul 2017

Smugglers of Culzean

Learn about the smuggling that took place in the caves below Culzean Castle during the 17th and 18th centuries.

A close-up of Culzean Castle seen from the lawn in front.
26 Jun 2017

Exploring Culzean Castle: The Life of Scipio Kennedy (Part 3)

We continue with the story of Scipio Kennedy at Culzean Castle, and take a look at the role he played there.

A lady stands beside an old map on a plain wall.
9 Jun 2017

Homecoming for historic map

A chimney map dating from the 17th century has returned home to Castle Fraser.

A close-up of Culzean Castle seen from the lawn in front.
7 Jun 2017

Exploring Culzean Castle: The Life of Scipio Kennedy (Part 2)

Read the next instalment of our blog about Scipio’s journey to Culzean Castle, which looks at the Middle Passage and naming traditions.

A close-up of Culzean Castle seen from the lawn in front.
29 May 2017

Exploring Culzean Castle: The Life of Scipio Kennedy (Part 1)

Read the first instalment in our blog series about the life of Scipio Kennedy.

A close-up of Culzean Castle seen from the lawn in front.
18 May 2017

Exploring Culzean Castle: Before the journey

Our intern shares what inspired her research into Culzean Castle’s history and the life of Scipio Kennedy.

A view of Culzean Castle, seen from the air, looking towards the sea with woodland in the foreground.
16 May 2017

The lost walls of Culzean

Read about the discovery of an 18th-century walled garden buried below the Fountain Court at Culzean Castle.

Red flags stand in a line on a moorland. Heavy grey clouds hang in the sky.
1 Mar 2017

Sgeulachdan Seumasach: Cùil Lodair an-diugh

B' e Cùil Lodair am blàr làmh-ri-làimh mu dheireadh air talamh Bhreatainn. Pàirt de chòmhstri creideimh agus poileataigs nas motha san Roinn Eòrpa, dh'atharraich am blàr goirid ach fuilteach cùrsa eachdraidh.