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A reenactment photo of a group of Jacobite soldiers, charging across a foggy moor. They hold targes and swords.
1 Mar 2017

Sgeulachdan Seumasach: Blàr Chùil Lodair

CChaidh cùrsa eachdraidh Bhreatainn, na h-Eòrpa agus an t-saoghail atharrachadh an seo aig Cùil Lodair air 16 Giblean 1746.

Jacobite Stories: Before Culloden
1 Mar 2017

Sgeulachdan Seumasach: Ro Chùil Lodair

Bho na 1630an bha poileataigs agus creideamh ann am Breatann ann an ùpraid. Bha cogadh sìobhalta daonnan a' bagairt agus Alba, Èirinn agus Sasainn a' strì ri dòigh a lorg air a bhith rèidh ri chèile.

A black and white photograph of a line of people, sitting on a path beside a row of stone houses. They lean their backs against the wall of the house.
27 Feb 2017

Photography on the edge

George Washington Wilson’s photographs of St Kildans were popular with a curious Victorian public.

A black and white photograph of three women and a man sitting on a bench outdoors. They are having cups of tea or ice creams (Miss Toward on the far left has both!).
27 Feb 2017

Everyday photographs reveal history

A box of photographs tells many stories.