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The Castle Fraser library with a green Christmas tree at its centre, decorated with small handcrafted stockings stitched with names, and red and gold ornaments.
1 Dec 2023

Research reveals hidden meanings behind Christmas carol

New Christmas activities at Castle Fraser have been inspired by hidden meanings in the 12 Days of Christmas carol.

A man crouches on a footpath that runs through a glen alongside a burn, with tall mountains all around. He wears a waterproof jacket and walking boots.
29 Nov 2023

Mast plan harming Scotland’s most beautiful views

The nationwide 4G expansion project is having a severely detrimental impact on the landscape in some of Scotland’s most beautiful and remote locations, and the Trust calling for a joined-up approach to protect Scotland’s landscapes.

A very large tree lies fallen on the ground beside a thin wire fence.
27 Nov 2023

Veteran tree management – a new kind of woodpecker

The Trust’s approach to veteran tree management has recently taken a leap forward with technological assistance from the PiCUS system.

Two men stand on a green hillside on a cloudy day, one older with binoculars round his neck, a waterproof jacket and leaning on a hiking pole, and the other wearing glasses and a a grey hoodie and stood with his hands in his pockets.
24 Nov 2023

A summer on Mingulay

Chris is no stranger to Scotland’s remote islands, but nothing compares to his time as a seabird ranger on the island of Mingulay.

A composite image featuring three different plants in a row. On the left is a coppery leaved rhododendron; in the middle is a close-up of a white magnolia flower; and on the right is a branch of a tree, with white floppy leaves hanging down.
22 Nov 2023

The PLANTS project: why do plant names matter?

PLANTS West Inventory Officer Fran Culverhouse explains how a grasp of basic plant name etymology can come in pretty handy for us all.

17 Nov 2023

Scottish wedding traditions – drinking from the quaich

You might have spotted these simple-looking bowls at a traditional Scottish wedding. But what does it mean to drink from the quaich? And where did this ancient tradition begin?

A close-up of a bright red rhododendron flower growing on a bush.
13 Nov 2023

Second year of PLANTS project completed

The second year of the Trust’s PLANTS project has seen 17 gardens and 32,000 plants audited, including a rare rhododendron planted before the First World War.

6 Nov 2023

Talks by Trust experts in Fort William

We’re working in partnership with the Highland Cinema in Fort William, to deliver a series of talks this winter to raise awareness and support for our work to protect and share the special places in our care.

An upper floor inside an old mill, with sacks of wheat standing on the wooden floorboards. Various cogs and pulleys can be seen in the background.
2 Nov 2023

Caring for industrial collections, part 2: moving with the times

In the second of a four-part series, we take a look at the specialist skills needed to care for a working industrial property.