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Exploring Culzean Castle: The Life of Scipio Kennedy (Part 2)
Read the next instalment of our blog about Scipio’s journey to Culzean Castle, which looks at the Middle Passage and naming traditions.
Exploring Culzean Castle: The Life of Scipio Kennedy (Part 1)
Read the first instalment in our blog series about the life of Scipio Kennedy.
Exploring Culzean Castle: Before the journey
Our intern shares what inspired her research into Culzean Castle’s history and the life of Scipio Kennedy.
The lost walls of Culzean
Read about the discovery of an 18th-century walled garden buried below the Fountain Court at Culzean Castle.
Sgeulachdan Seumasach: Cùil Lodair an-diugh
B' e Cùil Lodair am blàr làmh-ri-làimh mu dheireadh air talamh Bhreatainn. Pàirt de chòmhstri creideimh agus poileataigs nas motha san Roinn Eòrpa, dh'atharraich am blàr goirid ach fuilteach cùrsa eachdraidh.
Sgeulachdan Seumasach: Blàr Chùil Lodair
CChaidh cùrsa eachdraidh Bhreatainn, na h-Eòrpa agus an t-saoghail atharrachadh an seo aig Cùil Lodair air 16 Giblean 1746.
Sgeulachdan Seumasach: Ro Chùil Lodair
Bho na 1630an bha poileataigs agus creideamh ann am Breatann ann an ùpraid. Bha cogadh sìobhalta daonnan a' bagairt agus Alba, Èirinn agus Sasainn a' strì ri dòigh a lorg air a bhith rèidh ri chèile.
Photography on the edge
George Washington Wilson’s photographs of St Kildans were popular with a curious Victorian public.