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A Man’s A Man For A’ That
Alistair McCulloch plays the Gregg violin in the home of Frederick Douglass – writer, orator, abolitionist campaigner (and Burns fan!).
Gregg violin mingles with the stars at the BAFTAs in Los Angeles
The Gregg violin is played at a Burns-themed BAFTA bash in Los Angeles.
Birthday bash in Boston – violin leads the celebration of the National Trust for Scotland Foundation USA
The Gregg violin takes centre stage to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the National Trust for Scotland Foundation USA in its home town of Boston.
Violin lessons in Boston
The Gregg violin visits North Bennett Street School in Boston – a leading centre for craft skills in the USA.
Chicago Scots greet Gregg violin
The Gregg violin was played in Chicago for the first time during a musical celebration of Robert Burns, arranged by Rachel Barton Pine, and hosted by the Chicago Scots.
A Man’s A Man For A’ That
Written in 1795, this is one of Burns’s last works. It has become a firm favourite in Scotland, and was sung at the opening of the Scottish Parliament in 1999.
Warm welcome in New York for Gregg violin
The Gregg violin gets a warm welcome in sub-zero New York at two events organised by the Burns Society of New York and the American Scottish Foundation.
My luve is like a red, red rose
Said to be Bob Dylan’s greatest inspiration, this little poem is one of Scotland’s most loved songs.
To a Mouse
One of his best-known earlier poems, Robert Burns wrote this in 1785 whilst working as a farmer (it’s been said he literally wrote it in the field). It appeared the following year in ‘Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect’.