
All Stories

Showing 474 results for Art and collections. Clear filter
15 Jul 2019

Behind the scenes with Team East

After more than 2 years, 11 properties and over 25,000 records, the end of Project Reveal for Team East is in sight!

11 Jul 2019

Morton Writing Competition – Part IV: The Kirkcudbright Girls / Farpais Sgrìobhaidh Mhorton – Pàirt IV: Clann-nighean Chille Chuithbeirt

Read the winning entries from the Morton Writing Competition. Leugh na pìosan a bhuannaich Farpais Sgrìobhaidh Mhorton.

11 Jul 2019

Morton Writing Competition – Part III: The Tower / Farpais Sgrìobhaidh Mhorton – Pàirt III: An Tùr

Read the winning entries from the Morton Writing Competition. Leugh na pìosan a bhuannaich Farpais Sgrìobhaidh Mhorton.

11 Jul 2019

Morton Writing Competition – Part II: The Cat and the Crayfish / Farpais Sgrìobhaidh Mhorton – Pàirt II: An Cat agus an Giomach

Read the winning entries from the Morton Writing Competition. Leugh na pìosan a bhuannaich Farpais Sgrìobhaidh Mhorton.

11 Jul 2019

Morton Writing Competition – Part I: The Pend / Farpais Sgrìobhaidh Mhorton – Pàirt I: Am Bealach

Read the winning entries from the Morton Writing Competition. Leugh na pìosan a bhuannaich Farpais Sgrìobhaidh Mhorton.

11 Jul 2019

En garde!

After 17 months working in the castles of the North-East, it’s time to celebrate the finest blades of the region.

27 Jun 2019

Women in the photographs of E A Hornel – Broughton House

Exploring the stories of women and girls preserved in our historical collections in the west of Scotland.

A black and white photograph of Miss Toward. She stands in front of a stone wall and shutters, next to a window box.
27 Jun 2019

Getting personal – the thrill of cataloguing meaningful everyday items

Exploring the stories of women and girls preserved in our historical collections in the west of Scotland.

27 Jun 2019

Margaret Fay Shaw’s photographs of the women of South Uist – Canna House

Exploring the stories of women and girls preserved in our historical collections in the west of Scotland.