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A man and woman walk together along a woodland path above a river. It is autumn and the surrounding trees have golden leaves.
21 Sept 2022

Autumn highlights in Scotland

We’ve put together a guide to help you plan a wonderful autumn or winter break in Scotland. We’ve thought of something for everyone – from beautiful walks to inspiring places to visit, as well as some top tips for places to stay.

The parterre garden at Pollok House, seen from the high bank behind it. The patterns created by the box hedging can be clearly seen. Small, brightly coloured bedding plants grow in between the hedges. There is a tall stone garden wall to the right.
21 Sept 2022

Why we love Pollok House

Find out why this special place in Glasgow inspires a lifelong love of history ... and why you should definitely pop into the Edwardian tearoom!

A pedestrian suspension bridge, with a man in a white t-shirt walking across it, arches over a gorge. Beyond it, the mountainous landscape is covered by a variety of trees.
20 Sept 2022

Improvements for visitors at Corrieshalloch

Since February 2022, work has been taking place to improve the experience for the 75,000 visitors we welcome there every year.

A woman wearing a red helmet and red floatation jacket stands on a rocky ledge beside a sea inlet. Large rock stacks stand just off shore behind her.
20 Sept 2022

Vital support for our National Nature Reserves

Support from players of People’s Postcode Lottery has enabled us to carry out important conservation work at our National Nature Reserves.

A white-tailed eagle chick with black tracking tags round its feet sits on a scrubby grass cliffside.
20 Sept 2022

Mar’verick takes to the skies

The first white-tailed eagle chick has fledged from Mar Lodge Estate.

Her Majesty The Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh and a large delegation of official people walk along the wide path outside the new visitor centre at Culloden. The Queen is in the centre, wearing a blue hat and dress.
15 Sept 2022

Remembering Her Majesty The Queen

We have very fond memories of Her Majesty The Queen visiting Trust places during her reign.

The Queen meets a group of smiling, smartly dressed people at Falkland Palace. Her Majesty wears a green coat, with a white hat with a green decoration. She is carrying a bouquet of delicate flowers.
8 Sept 2022

Her Majesty The Queen

The National Trust for Scotland has expressed its deep sadness at the news of the death of Her Majesty The Queen.

Mountains rise on the far side of a blue loch. In the foreground is a fern- and grass-covered hillside, with a woodland on the banks of the loch below.
6 Sept 2022

Better protection of wild land needed

We’re calling for enhanced protection of wild land in the Scottish Government’s planning framework, to help meet Scotland’s net-zero targets.

2 Sept 2022

Following in Margaret’s footsteps

A reflective account of a Hebridean journey, following in the footsteps of folklorist Margaret Fay Shaw of Canna.