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Looking towards Culzean Castle, with the Fountain Court garden in the foreground.
2 Sept 2022

The PLANTS project: inventory at Culzean

The scale of the 260-hectare estate at Culzean Castle was a daunting prospect, as the PLANTS project West team set out in July to start our plant inventory.

Butterflies are almost silhouetted against a bright blue sky as they perch on the white cone-like flowers of a buddleia plant.
31 Aug 2022

Crathes Garden blog #16: Home and away

Our expert garden guide shares some highlights from her holiday as she considers the importance of garden designers to the ever-evolving garden at Crathes Castle.

A view of the front of the Alexander Greek Thomson-designed Holmwood. It is a stone villa with columns and an angular roof, with a dome at the centre. It is not symmetrical. Wide stone steps lead up to the front door.
31 Aug 2022

Why we love Holmwood

The property team share why this very special villa in Glasgow is the perfect place to discover the amazing architecture and designs of Alexander ‘Greek’ Thomson.

Looking from above at a close-up of the upper parterre in Pitmedden Garden. A manicured hedge encloses a designed garden space filled with plants and flowers. A winding pathway of grass cuts through the middle.
30 Aug 2022

Of parterre importance at Pitmedden Garden

Hear how the stunning new parterre at Pitmedden is transforming the way we think about and care for our gardens.

Looking through the opening of an old stone grotto towards a tree growing in the middle of a gravel area. It has a very wide trunk, apparently made up of lots of smaller trunks. The main canopy of the tree can't really be seen.
26 Aug 2022

Plant of the month: Thujopsis dolabrata

Our PLANTS team continue their blog series with a look at a very special tree at Culzean.

A view across the walled garden of Inverewe Garden. The dark shapes of mountains loom in the distance, and in the garden visitors walk along the pathways.
19 Aug 2022

From interview to Inverewe: 100 days of PLANTS

Our first update and behind-the-scenes look from the PLANTS Project Manager, Dr Colin McDowall.

A photo of a man composing an orchestra, his back to the theatre. He holds a baton in one hand and gestures with his other hand. He is looking down at the music.
19 Aug 2022

‘I always want to try different things’

This year’s Haddo Arts Festival in October will see the premiere of a new piano quintet by celebrated Scottish composer Sir James MacMillan. We spoke to Sir James to find out more.

A portrait of a man in armour has been added to with new features drawn in including black glasses, a bright blue bow tie and he is holding a snooker cue. The portrait has been hung in a tree.
18 Aug 2022

Pollok House art goes wild!

Some of the beautiful artworks usually found inside the house have been given a light-hearted new look and relocated throughout Pollok Park, as part of a new Art Gone Wild trail.

Two men stand in a country landscape of fields and trees. They both wear a sun hat and a National Trust for Scotland grey top, and each raise a small empty whisky glass in a toast
18 Aug 2022

Big dig at The Glenlivet distillery

An archaeological dig discovers details of historic whisky production at former The Glenlivet distillery, part of our Pioneering Spirit project.