
All Stories

Showing 474 results for Art and collections. Clear filter
27 Jul 2018

Project Reveal – One year on and 12 months of progress

To celebrate the first anniversary of Project Reveal, we’ve chosen a selection of images which illustrate the diverse range of objects in the Trust’s collections.

25 Jul 2018

Hornel’s photographic eye and the influence of Japanese photography: part 2

In Japan in 1893, Edward Atkinson Hornel was exposed to a wide variety of different types of Japanese photography.

23 Jul 2018

The spirit of the age

Project Reveal’s West Team discover the delights of the Weaver’s Cottage collection.

20 Jul 2018

Hornel’s photographic eye and the influence of Japanese photography: part 1

A trip to Japan in 1893, and exposure to photography there, changed Edward Atkinson Hornel’s entire approach to painting.

12 Jul 2018

Marvellous marquetry

The Dunfermline dressing room in Fyvie Castle boasts a fabulous collection of marquetry furniture.

10 Jul 2018

Digging deep to ‘Reveal’ the Trust's archaeological treasures

Natasha Ferguson, Lead Inventory Officer – Archaeology, tells us about her role and how it’s supporting the management of the Trust’s archaeology collections

9 Jul 2018

The Falkland Bed

A favourite with staff, volunteers and visitors alike, the elaborately carved Falkland Bed is a must-see when visiting Falkland Palace.

28 Jun 2018

Photography students visit Culzean Castle

A group of photography students find out more about Project Reveal and enjoy a workshop on collections photography.

25 Jun 2018

The photographic archive of Margaret Fay Shaw

Margaret Fay Shaw (1903–2004) dedicated her life to the preservation of the Gaelic language, and the lives and customs of the people of the Hebrides.