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A kitchen in a tenement flat, displayed as it may have looked in the mid-20th century. A large wooden table stands in the middle of the room, with mixing bowls, weighing scales and a rolling pin laid out on top. A black cooking range stands at the side, with cloths hanging from a washing line suspended in front. A sink with wooden cupboards beneath stands in front of a large sash window.
12 May 2022

The Great Eight at the Tenement House

Ana Sanchez, Visitor Services Manager at the Tenement House, tells us about some of the things that she loves at this place.

A close-up of purple thistle flowers, with the green spiky globe beneath the flowerhead.

The thistle – Scotland’s national flower

The thistle is the flower of Scotland and one of its most recognisable symbols. Since King Alexander III, it has been Scotland’s national emblem.

A Living History re-creation of a group of solders fighting in the Battle of Bannockburn. They are wearing helmets and chest armour, and huddle together, brandishing spears and shields.
5 May 2022

Inspiring a love for history in the next generation

Our Learning Facilitator at Bannockburn tells why she finds her role so rewarding, as she shares stories of Scotland’s past with school children.

The front of ochre-coloured Culross Palace on a bright sunny day, blue sky visible above the tiled roof.
5 May 2022

Why we love Culross Palace

Join members of our team at Culross as they share some of the things they love most about this special place.

A bat rests on a rough log, with a mossy tree stump in the background. The bat has very large, almost translucent ears, with the pink veins visible. They are 'pricked up' above its head. It has a furry brown body, and its wings are folded at the sides.
4 May 2022

The bat man

Ranger Roddy Hamilton tells us about the brown long-eared bats of Craigievar, and muses on why bats get such a raw deal in our popular culture.

A view of the island of Hirta, part of St Kilda, looking out to sea. In the foreground is a steep grassy cliff. It stretches to a rocky point, reaching out into the sea.
4 May 2022

The Book of Kells

Iona, a tiny island in the Inner Hebrides, has been a sanctuary for Celtic Christianity for hundreds of years. It’s also where an incredible piece of religious history, the Book of Kells, was most likely created.

A group of puffins sit on a grassy cliff. Behind them, rocks stretch out into the sea.
4 May 2022

Caring for Staffa

Our ranger tells us about some of her important seabird monitoring work, as well as plans to improve the island infrastructure – all made possible thanks to donations from our supporters.

The mercat cross in the cobbled village square in Culross, surrounded by white 17th-century houses.
3 May 2022

Preserving the traditional buildings of Culross

We take a look at how our supporters have helped our work in maintaining the character of this special 17th-century village that is still home to a 21st-century community.

A view of Crathes Castle from the manicured lawn in front. Two large eggcup-shaped yew hedges stand in the foreground.
3 May 2022

Recent conservation work in the North East region

Thanks to our supporters, we’ve been very busy in the North East region as we work hard to protect the special and unique buildings in our care.