All Stories
Meet the PLANTS project teams
The PLANTS project is now underway. As the teams get started, we wanted to introduce you to the people at the root of it all.
Work to begin on Crathes Rose Garden
Drawing inspiration from Crathes’ ancient roots, the new design and year-round planting will reinvigorate the Rose Garden.
Celebrating Pitmedden’s stunning new parterre
Special guests and local members joined Chris Beardshaw to celebrate his innovative Great Garden parterre design in full bloom.
Crathes Garden blog #15: The hot days of summer
Our expert garden guide considers the dramatic effect of the wide range in extreme weather conditions at Crathes this year, from winter storms to summer droughts.
Wraps come off Sawyer portrait
Mairi Sawyer, the talented plantswoman who helped shape the world-renowned Inverewe Garden, has been put centre stage in a new art exhibition in the Sawyer Gallery.
A fan of fashion
While preparing for the new display at Brodick Castle, an ivory folding fan was discovered in the Duchess’ boudoir, bearing significant Chinese artistic features. PhD student Wu Yunong explores the global allure and fashion of the fan.
Why we love Branklyn Garden
In this special centenary year for Branklyn, hear from some of the staff, volunteers and visitors about what makes this garden such a loved and treasured place.
Grateful for repair grant support
Annual Repair Grant funding from Historic Environment Scotland is helping us carry out repairs and maintenance across the country.