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A woman in a white 18th-century dress with a green ribbon under the bust holds her skirts and points her foot forward and to the floor, as if about to dance.
11 Aug 2021

Dancing in Georgian Edinburgh

Join our historical dance expert and volunteer Dr Alena Shmakova at the Georgian House for a look at the importance of dancing in Georgian Edinburgh.

The front entrance of House of Dun, with the gravelled driveway and lawn.
10 Aug 2021

The Great Eight at House of Dun

Jason Robertson, Visitor Services Manager at House of Dun, tells us about some of the things he loves at this place.

A view of a garden path, running beside a flower bed bursting with plants and colour! Lots of purple and pink flowers grow in the foreground. Running parallel to the path is a tall stone garden wall.
9 Aug 2021

Colour across the seasons at Malleny Garden

Our volunteer gardener Bob offers a closer look at some of the stunning blooms that can be seen during the year at Malleny Garden, on the outskirts of Edinburgh.

Specialist textile conservator Sophie Younger pins netting to a tapestry in Falkland Palace, which is decorated with a forest scene.
6 Aug 2021

Stitching the past: the tale of the Falkland tapestries

We are conserving special tapestries that have hung at Falkland Palace for 115 years. We look back at how their story reveals decades of care and restoration throughout the 20th century.

A view of the Hill House, surrounded by a very large metal, chainmail structure. The view is from the garden and it is a sunny day.
6 Aug 2021

Why we love the Hill House

Join our brilliant team for a glimpse behind the scenes at Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s Hill House.

The front of ochre-coloured Culross Palace on a bright sunny day, blue sky visible above the tiled roof.
5 Aug 2021

Top 10 reasons to visit Culross

Join us for a look at the things our team love most about Culross Palace and its beautiful surroundings in one of Scotland’s most picturesque villages.

A gloved hand holds up a photographer’s slide to the light, illuminating the photograph of the Hill House from just outside its front gates.
4 Aug 2021

Found on eBay – a Hill House discovery

Our team has discovered a collection of images showing Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s the Hill House in the 1960s and 70s.

A man works on a rocky mountain summit, with Loch Lomond seen in the distance far below. He uses a sharp axe-like tool to work at the path edge.
30 Jul 2021

A day in the life of a ... Senior Ranger

We meet Alasdair Eckersall from Ben Lomond for a behind-the-scenes glance at the important role he plays in caring for this special place.

The intricate metal work encasing the covered handle of a basket-handled broadsword, the beginning of the blade just visible.
30 Jul 2021

Science behind the sword

Swords were an essential piece of kit for any Jacobite soldier, but what made them so deadly?