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Stone cairns with old tractor seats attached to the top stand beside each other. Slates lie against the cairns, with names painted on it. Across the bay, in the distance, can be seen St Edward's Church, pictured through a large iron cartwheel hoop.
2 Jul 2021

The Solas Point: Canna’s new art installation

A new multi-sensory art installation is taking shape on the Isle of Canna to mark the creative world of Margaret Fay Shaw.

1 Jul 2021

Emily & Isla’s guide to family hillwalking fun

Our Glencoe experts tell us how to get everyone in the family out hillwalking.

A miniature netsuke sculpture, showing a central conch shell with several figures depicted standing beside it or climbing on it.
1 Jul 2021

The whimsy of netsuke

Find out more about the symbolism seen in the Japanese art of netsuke, several examples of which are found at our properties.

30 Jun 2021

Edinburgh’s Pantry: Tatties, neeps, oranges and lemons

This is the third in our series of articles about Edinburgh’s pantries of the past, and looks at fruit and vegetables in the Scottish diet.

A room is set up to re-create an Edwardian boarding house. An iron bed stands on a wooden floor, with a threadbare rug beside it. A wooden clothes horse stands beside the fireplace across the room.
29 Jun 2021

The Great Eight at Gladstone’s Land

Kate Stephenson, Visitor Services Manager at Gladstone’s Land, tells us about some of her favourite things to look for at the newly reopened property.

A smiling man wearing a navy National Trust for Scotland t-shirt and red ear protectors holds up a large John Deere lawn mower hopper. He is tipping grass cuttings onto a large pile.
28 Jun 2021

A day in the life of an ... Estate Supervisor

Meet Aidan Bell, whose wide-ranging role covers two Trust properties: Inverewe and Corrieshalloch Gorge.

A oil painting of a young woman, dressed in a long dark dress. She is seated at a small table, and rests her arm on an open book on the table. Her hair is arranged in top of her head, and she wears a long pearl necklace.
24 Jun 2021

Mary, Duchess of Montrose (1884–1957), née Douglas-Hamilton

Join Regional Curator Sarah Beattie for the final post in her series exploring the lives of the Hamilton family and the impact they had on the building, collections and interiors at Brodick Castle.

A man sits on a bench, with his golden lab licking his face! A black lab sits nearby, watching. Beside the bench are two bronze statues of dogs.
23 Jun 2021

The Bark of Ayrshire

We recently welcomed some exciting visitors to The Twa Dogs, a new bronze sculpture at Robert Burns Birthplace Museum.

A man stands in a flower bed beside a stone garden wall. He holds a bucket in one hand. A spade stands in the soil in front of him. He is surrounded by newly planted tall banana plants, some taller than his shoulder, as well as more established shrubs and plants.
23 Jun 2021

Crathes Garden blog #2: a global perspective

Join our expert garden guide for a behind-the-scenes look at what the team have been working on in the garden at Crathes in June.