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A white stone shrine stands beside a seaweed-covered beach. The top of the shrine incorporates a panel of stained glass, with religious figures.
22 Jun 2021

The feast day of St Columba

Enjoy some images and sounds from Canna related to Cholm Cille (St Columba) to mark his 1,500th birthday in 2021.

22 Jun 2021

Wine and dine: 17th-century Dutch still life paintings at Hill of Tarvit

We explore the unique table settings seen in paintings at Hill of Tarvit in Fife.

A parterre garden with low hedging and crown imperial fritillaries. There is an ornate metal bench in the background.
21 Jun 2021

Greenbank parterre garden

Thanks to the Friends of Greenbank Garden, we’ve been able to replant our parterre garden with some amazing bulbs.

A black and white photograph of the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Charles and other younger members of the royal family on St Kilda. Prince Charles stands by a stone wall, talking to a man with his back to the camera. The younger members of the party are looking at a hole in the ground with a lady carrying a trowel. The royal yacht is at anchor in the bay behind them.
16 Jun 2021

A royal message in our summer magazine

We are delighted and honoured that our Patron, HRH The Prince Charles, Duke of Rothesay, has written the welcome letter for our summer members’ magazine.

Silver teapot with a dark handle and knob on the top. It is sitting on a silver stand.
16 Jun 2021

Hester Bateman – British silversmith and entrepreneur (1709–94)

We take a look at the life and legacy of one of Britain’s most famous female silversmiths.

A hollow wine jug, shaped like a salmon, is made from glass and silver. It has a large yellow and black eye above the spout mouth. It is displayed against a plain grey background.
14 Jun 2021

Edinburgh’s Pantry: herring, haggis and hucksters

This is the second in a series of articles that highlights the food and drink to be found in Edinburgh’s pantries of the past. This time we take a look at meat and fish.

A moth, with black and red colouring is among long grass.
14 Jun 2021

Burg’s beautiful slender Scotch burnet moth

Join our ranger to find out more about this fascinating creature.

A collection of glass bottles and old cleaning products stand on a shelf beside a kitchen sink at the Tenement House. A mangle is screwed on to the edge of the sink, and a wash board stands behind.
11 Jun 2021

Why we love the Tenement House

Join Ana Sanchez for a glimpse into life in the Tenement House in Glasgow at the beginning of the 20th century.

A black and white photo of a wedding group standing under a tree. From the left are an elderly gentleman in a suit and a beard; a young woman in a neat suit and blouse; a tall young gentleman in a smart suit, holding a coat over his arm; then a small woman in a suit and hat, holding a pair of gloves.
11 Jun 2021

Bride, banns & braces – when two folklorists wed

Read a special personal account of the wedding of Canna’s John Lorne Campbell and Margaret Fay Shaw in June 1935.