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Black and white archival image of the village on Hirta, St Kilda. The large mountain of Conachair is in the background.
29 Apr 2021

The National Trust for Scotland’s St Kilda archives

Archivist Ian Riches gives a flavour of just some of the hundreds of documents and photos we look after relating to St Kilda.

Rays of sunshine beam down upon a moorland area beside a single track road. In the background is an enormous shoulder of a mountain, silhouetted against the blue sky.
28 Apr 2021

Making a difference – our proposals for Scotland 2021–26

Read the National Trust for Scotland’s manifesto for the upcoming elections for the Scottish Parliament.

A view of a large moorland area, with a large stone cairn in the distance. The sky is blue, with white fluffy clouds scudding across.
28 Apr 2021

The Great Eight at Culloden

Raoul Curtis-Machin, Operations Manager at Culloden, tells us about some of his favourite things to look for at the property.

Metal letters spelling out Culloden are attached to an old stone wall at the entrance to a driveway. It has rained recently and the grass and stones glisten as the sun breaks through the clouds.
28 Apr 2021

I remember that he remembered: family history stories from Culloden

We are sharing some stories about Culloden that have been unearthed by some of our supporters from around the world.

A close-up of the top half of an old whisky stoneware jar. It is very shiny and a mustard-yellow in colour. There are a couple of chips in the top spout. Printed on it is the following text: 167 Chivas Brothers. Scotch Whisky Merchants Aberdeen. 5.
26 Apr 2021

Kegs, cases and jars: a moving tale

Once distilled, whisky had to be moved or stored. There was a marked difference in this process between the legal and illicit trade.

Aerail view of a woodland with dying trees and some green trees
22 Apr 2021

A heritage response to a contemporary pathogen

How the team at Arduaine are tackling the complex felling operations of removing almost 900 trees in this beautiful west coast garden.

A low rainbow arches across a loch, with mountains behind.
21 Apr 2021

The insect life of Creag an Lochain

At Ben Lawers National Nature Reserve, Creag an Lochain has an outstanding flora which supports an abundance of insect life.

A grass path leads between two colourful flowerbeds towards an old castle. Tall trees grow either side and an old stone wall runs along the right-hand side.
20 Apr 2021

Trust gardens – from the ground up

We take expert care of many of Scotland’s most beautiful and important gardens so the whole nation can enjoy them.

A view of a large moorland area, with a large stone cairn in the distance. The sky is blue, with white fluffy clouds scudding across.
19 Apr 2021

275th anniversary of the Battle of Culloden – films

A chance to watch the four films created for our online event commemorating the 275th anniversary of the Battle of Culloden.