All Stories
Theatre production brings Burns to life
We are collaborating with theatremaker James Clements on a new theatrical production inspired by Robert Burns.
Hugh Miller heirloom found on South African beach
A long-lost mourning ring is set to go on display at Hugh Miller’s Birthplace Cottage & Museum for the first time.
Carnegie Hall debut for the Gregg fiddle
We are partnering with Hoolie in New York as the Gregg fiddle makes its Carnegie Hall debut.
The PLANTS project: 8 outcomes – the final blog
The PLANTS project celebrates three years of cataloguing Scotland’s historic gardens, laying a foundation for future stewardship and conservation efforts.
Embellishing a story
Research into an intriguing embroidered picture at Leith Hall uncovers new connections and meaning.
Conservation journeys at Falkland Palace
Investigatory works to determine the scope of known issues within the building fabric of Falkland Palace will ultimately lead to a project of remediation works, which has meant vulnerable collections have had to be removed to allow access.
The PLANTS project: three west coast gardens
Discover some of the unusual plants thriving in our west coast gardens at Arduaine, Brodick and Crarae.
Letters, locks and socks: the top relics of Burns’s life
Here are the five items in our online Robert Burns Collection that have most captured the people’s attention.
Christmas at Castle Fraser
The decorations at Castle Fraser are made with plants grown in the castle garden, then cut and dried in time for Christmas. Enjoy this festive celebration of the garden inside the castle.