All Stories
Trust’s trees hold promise for the future
We are embarking on an ambitious project to record all the ancient, veteran and notable trees across our entire estate to secure the survival of these living relics.
Ben Lawers welcomes apprentices
The team at Ben Lawers National Nature Reserve have welcomed their first Rural Skills Modern Apprentices.
The PLANTS project: 8 outcomes – the final blog
The PLANTS project celebrates three years of cataloguing Scotland’s historic gardens, laying a foundation for future stewardship and conservation efforts.
Celebrating 50 years as a Trust volunteer
Finlay McKichan of the Aberdeen & District Members’ Centre has received the Trust’s President’s Award for 50 years of service.
Embellishing a story
Research into an intriguing embroidered picture at Leith Hall uncovers new connections and meaning.
The PLANTS project: 10 reflections
The PLANTS project team reflect on three years of documenting Scotland’s gardens, sharing unforgettable experiences that have shaped the National Trust for Scotland’s botanical legacy.
Exploring the archaeology and history of Glenlivet whisky
Archaeological fieldwork by the Trust, in partnership with The Glenlivet, has shed new light on how the whisky-making process was industrialised in the 19th century.
Conservation journeys at Falkland Palace
Investigatory works to determine the scope of known issues within the building fabric of Falkland Palace will ultimately lead to a project of remediation works, which has meant vulnerable collections have had to be removed to allow access.
Love Scotland podcast mini-series: Robert Burns
As we get ready for Burns Night on 25 January, we’re delving into the Love Scotland archives to bring you episodes that reveal the life and legacy of Robert Burns.