Loch Lomond, The Trossachs, Stirling & Forth Valley

Dollar Glen

Deep gorges, cascading waterfalls, Castle Campbell and woodland walks in the Ochil Hills

Planning your visit

Please note: unfortunately, part of the East Trail below the castle to the turn-off to the Quarry car park is closed to all users of the site due to unsafe bridges. Apologies for any inconvenience.

The woodland paths are strenuous and uneven due to the nature of the site.

There are grazing livestock at this site, so please keep your dog under close control and let the animals have some space. Thank you for showing consideration for the safety of our livestock and wildlife.

Please see our drop-down Facilities below for helpful information about planning your visit.

Castle Campbell is owned by the National Trust for Scotland and operated by Historic Environment Scotland. National Trust for Scotland members and HES members can enjoy free admission to the castle upon display of their membership cards.

For more information about planning your visit please see our frequently asked questions.

Facilities & access

  • The woodland paths are unsuitable for wheelchairs or children’s buggies.

We have an ongoing programme of accessible content development. Detailed accessibility guides for the most visited Trust places are available on our Accessibility pages as well as links to useful resources.

We’d love you to visit the Euan’s Guide website to review the accessibility of Trust places and tell us (and others) what’s good and where we need to do better.

3G/4G coverage
Dogs welcome

There’s parking at the Quarry car park in Dollar. Parking is free for members.


The glen is a popular place for walkers and the network of paths and trails is easily accessed on foot from Dollar, via the Mill Green, or from the Quarry car park. Please note that there are some relatively steep climbs and care is required on uneven and slippery sections.

Take a walk through the glen past Sochie falls. Admire the stronghold Castle Campbell, impressively positioned above the steep gorges of the Burns of Care and Sorrow.

Opening times

Dollar Glen

Current period All year, daily
Castle Campbell

The castle is managed by Historic Environment Scotland. | Closed for lunch 12.30–1.30pm (last entry 12.00)

Current period 1 Jan–31 Mar, closed 1 Apr–30 Sep, daily, 10.00–16.30 (last entry 16.00) 1 Oct–31 Dec, closed

Entry prices

Dollar Glen
One adult family

Members go free

At all Trust places, admission is free for members.

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