Edinburgh & The Lothians

Inveresk Lodge Garden

Peaceful hillside garden and pond tucked away in a charming village

Things to do

Self-guided tours

You’ll find the beautiful glasshouse just to the left of the entrance gate. Check the white board for seasonal plants and wildlife to look for during your visit. There are also some interpretation guides that you can take around the garden.

Go down the steps into the main area, where you’ll find a variety of themed borders featuring both familiar and rare plants. In the lower level you’ll find a woodland walk, a scattering of picnic benches and the ponds. There’s also an interesting sundial at the centre of the garden – its unusual lectern dial dates back to 1644.

Children’s activities

Children can follow a discovery trail highlighting some of the garden’s flora and fauna. They can also bring their own nets and go pond dipping from the platform on the larger pond.

School visits

We welcome school visits at Inveresk Lodge Garden. For more information, please see our Learning pages.

Nature spotting

Wildfowl are frequent visitors to the garden, including swans, ducks and geese. Other birds spotted are various tits, herons and treecreepers. If you are lucky, you may spot a kingfisher.