Dundee & Angus

J M Barrie’s Birthplace

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About this place

The world-famous creator of Peter Pan was born in this traditional weaver’s house.

  • Discover this typical weaver’s house, where everyone lived upstairs and the windows are large so that looms could be removed.
  • Stop by the wash house where the young author performed his first play at the age of seven and that provided inspiration for the Wendy house in Peter Pan.
  • Look out for original costumes from the first production of Peter Pan.
  • See the box beds where the Barrie children would have slept crowded together.
  • Explore our jungle-themed garden, complete with a new sculpture of Tick Tock, the crocodile from Peter Pan.

J M Barrie, creator of Peter Pan, spent his childhood in this small whitewashed cottage, and it’s here that you can see traces of the creative spirit he was set to become.

The son of a weaver, Barrie lived with his seven brothers and sisters in two upstairs rooms, while his father’s weaving workshop was downstairs. The wash house in the yard was Barrie’s first theatre – and may even have inspired the Wendy house in Peter Pan.

An exhibition tells the story of his life and work, and includes the writing desk from Barrie’s London flat where he penned Peter Pan.

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Today's Opening Hours

House, garden and shop
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Entry prices

One adult family
Young Scot
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Accreditations and awards

  • A navy blue oval sign with a thistle logo in green and pink. There are three white stars and the text reads: Scottish Tourist Board Visitor Attraction.
  • A green oval badge showing the Visit Scotland thistle logo and 'The Green Tourism Business Scheme' logo with the words: bronze in capital letters.