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🏴 A real adventure
Over 2 hours away
Exceptional and remote mountain scenery with lochs, glens and the magnificent ridge of the Five Sisters
22 miles away
Glenfinnan Monument
Moving tribute to those who died fighting for the Jacobite cause, framed by dramatic Highland scenery
47 miles away
- Visitor Centre
- 10.00–16.00
- Café
- 10:00–16:00
- Monument
- 11.00–11.30 and 14.00–14.30 (book in advance online)
- Grounds
- open daily
Powerfully emotive and atmospheric battlefield where the 1745 Jacobite Rising came to a tragic end
53 miles away
- Visitor Centre
- 09.00–16.00
- Café
- 09.00–15.00
- Battlefield
- Open daily
Glencoe National Nature Reserve
Dramatic mountains, rare beauty and haunting history in the heart of the Highlands
63 miles away
- Visitor centre and turf house
- 10.00–16.00
- Highland Coo Café
- 10.00–16.00
- Glencoe National Nature Reserve
- Daily
Magnificent wooded river gorge where one of the goriest battles in Jacobite history took place
86 miles away