Severe weather warning: Fri 24 & Sat 25 January

Due to Storm Eowyn, many Trust places will be closed on Friday and travel may be difficult. Please check property social channels for updates.


The Hermitage is teeming with wildlife all year round wherever you look. Throughout the year, high up in the trees, you may spot our resident red squirrels jumping from branch to branch. Over by the water’s edge grey wagtails, herons and dippers patrol the river for food. If you’re really lucky you may even catch a glimpse of the elusive otters that swim through the River Braan. In autumn, the Black Linn Falls is the perfect place to spot salmon trying to jump the waterfall as they travel upstream to spawn. The Hermitage is an oasis for wildlife of every size and shape, including dragonflies and wood wasps.

In spring bluebells carpet the wooded bank near the car park, with snowdrops, wood sorrel and common dog violets dotted throughout the property. More treasures can be found on the ground from the end of summer into autumn – if you spot a splash of purple hidden among the leaf litter it’s most probably an amethyst deceiver fungus!

We’d love to hear about your sightings of wildlife while you’re out on your walks, either on our facebook page or directly in our office.

You can also check out our wildlife spotter’s guide for the Hermitage, and see how many you can spot during your next visit:

Wildlife spotter’s guide: The Hermitage