The drawing room at the Hill House, with white walls and pink stencilled decorations. A Mackintosh sofa stands against the long wall next to the fireplace, facing the windows.
Argyll & The Isles

The Hill House

Getting here

Address The Hill House Upper Colquhoun Street Helensburgh G84 9AJ

The Hill House is off the A818, 23 miles north-west of Glasgow.

There is a train service from Glasgow to Helensburgh Central. The house is roughly 1½ miles from the train station, up a steep hill. There is a taxi rank outside the train station.

The Hill House is part of ScotRail’s 2-for-1 initiative, which allows two adults entry for the price of one, when they present a valid rail ticket and a paper voucher.

Find out more and download your voucher from the ScotRail website

Contact information

Telephone: 01436 673900

Get directions

Provided by Google Maps

Opening times

House, shop, café and garden

No advance booking required.

Current period 3 Jan–22 Dec, daily, 10.00–17.00 (last entry 16.00)

Entry prices

The Hill House
One adult family
Young Scot

Members go free

At all Trust places, admission is free for members.

Join us today

Planning your visit

For more information about planning your visit, please see our drop-down Facilities below or our frequently asked questions.

Facilities & access

We have an ongoing programme of accessible content development. Detailed accessibility guides for the most visited Trust places are available on our Accessibility pages as well as links to useful resources.

We’d love you to visit the Euan’s Guide website to review the accessibility of Trust places and tell us (and others) what’s good and where we need to do better.

3G/4G coverage

There is an accessible toilet on the ground floor of the visitor centre.

Baby changing

Bike racks are available beside the entrance to the visitor centre.

Braille guidebooks are available.

Buggy access

Dogs are also welcome at the roof terrace café.

Children’s activities
Coach parking

Dogs are welcome in the shop, roof terrace café and on a lead in the garden.

Guided tour
Hearing loop

Parking is free in the car park.


Please note that wheelchair access to the Hill House is only available on the ground floor of the property, around the perimeter of the Box. There is full wheelchair access in the visitor centre, café and roof terrace.

  • There is an accessibility ramp to enter and exit the ground floor of the house.
  • The entrance to the Hill House is gravel that leads onto paved slabs.
  • There are paved slabs which lead onto an uninterrupted decked floor to enter and exit the visitor centre.
  • There is a lift in the visitor centre that provides access to the café and roof terrace.
  • The Box is accessible from the lift in the visitor centre that leads onto the roof terrace.
  • The perimeter walkway of the Box is suitable for wheelchair access, but the top walkway is not suitable for wheelchairs or mobility scooters.
  • The garden can be viewed from the perimeter walkway around the Box.
  • The narrow garden paths are not suitable for wider wheelchairs or mobility scooters.
  • The paving in the garden is uneven and sometimes slippery.