
Career Pathways

Looking for your first experience with the Trust? We offer a range of ways you can develop your career.

In the Trust

Over the last two years, we've been working on various career pathways into the National Trust for Scotland. These include modern apprenticeships, internships and opportunities to delve into graduate apprenticeships. Additionally, we partner with other organisations to support the growth of traditional skills.

Career Pathways – our partnerships

Modern apprenticeships

We have pledged to be a Young Person’s Guarantee employer, and we are committed to Developing the Young Workforce.

As part of our commitment to working closer with Skills Development Scotland, the Trust has committed to hosting ten apprenticeships this coming year. These include roles in:

  • retail
  • hospitality
  • administration
  • cultural venue operations
  • professional cookery
  • digital marketing
  • facilities services / management
  • ranger services
  • rural skills

Career Ready

We have collaborated with Career Ready to welcome ten interns. These interns will receive mentorship from our Trust staff and benefit from a four-week paid placement designed to help young people explore career opportunities in the heritage sector.

Career Ready is a national charity focused on social mobility, and it embodies the Trust's commitment to inclusivity.

Historic Environment Scotland (HES)

We partner with HES on various projects, such as traineeships, internships, and hosting craft fellows that help preserve and maintain traditional skills.

Lord Bute Internship

We welcome an intern each year by sponsoring the 12-month Bute internship. This program aims to provide aspiring conservators with valuable hands-on experience while preserving traditional heritage and conservation techniques for future generations.

Scotland’s universities

Throughout the year, we will strive to assist universities in their requests to offer internships whenever possible. These internships are developed in collaboration with the universities and can span all 20 of our job families.

Scotland’s colleges

Several of our places collaborate with colleges throughout Scotland to provide work placements and experiences for students, enhancing their practical learning opportunities.

The School of Heritage Gardening

The Trust’s School of Heritage Gardening has been training generations of gardeners since 1961. Students learn the art, craft and science of horticulture – from pruning, grafting and glasshouse cultivation to plant identification and the use of gardening machinery and tools.

At Threave Garden, in Dumfries & Galloway, our trainees learn how to be professional gardeners and can acquire nationally recognised qualifications in the process. They learn how to manage different types of gardens, ranging in style and using varied plant content.

School of Heritage Gardening

Your career development in the Trust

We offer a range of training opportunities for current Trust employees and volunteers, including online training on various topics, face-to-face training sessions, and management development programmes tailored to early career managers, middle management and senior leaders.