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7 favourite playgrounds

Wild Woodland, Culzean
Wild Woodland at Culzean
Looking to run off some steam? Here are our 7 favourite playgrounds. Join the National Trust for Scotland today and you’ll be able to explore these places and many more.

1. Culzean Castle & Country Park, South Ayrshire

Culzean Castle boasts two incredible adventure playgrounds for children of all ages. Unleash your inner adventurer and make your way around Adventure Cove and the Wild Woodland. There are lots of thrilling features to explore, including soaring towers, treehouses, slides, climbing walls, a maze house and zip slides!

A rowing boat sits on a bed of golden sand. Behind it is a mini castle tower and a long wall made from wood.
Adventure Cove and Wild Woodland at Culzean

2. Newhailes House & Gardens, East Lothian

Weehailes, the new adventure play park at Newhailes House & Gardens, has been specially developed for younger children and is themed on the Newhailes story. Inspire your child’s imagination as they climb, crawl, slide and explore this amazing space.

A view of the Weehailes playpark, showing purple playhouses, a zipline and a large sand pit. In the background are wooden walkways.
Weehailes play area at Newhailes

3. Crathes Castle, Garden & Estate, Aberdeenshire

Wild Wood Adventure Play has plenty for our younger explorers to discover and let their imagination run wild! Inspired by the stories and setting of Crathes Castle, they’ll enjoy conquering the heights of the Green Lady’s Tower, scrambling up the rock face challenge and zooming between the trees on the zip wire. There are also slides, sandpits, high-level walkways and a see-through walkway to keep them entertained.

A view of an adventure playground set among tall trees. A wooden shed-like building rests on top of tall wooden stilts, with various high-level walkways running between various platforms, The ground is covered by sand.
Wild Wood Adventure Play at Crathes Castle

4. Brodick Castle, Garden & Country Park, Arran

Isle Be Wild, the adventure playground at Brodick Castle, offers an amazing experience for children of all ages. Taking its inspiration from Arran’s rich natural heritage, the playground’s rugged appearance fits into the estate’s woodland area and encourages outdoor adventure.

A raised wooden structure stands amongst treetops. A wooden walkway with netting along the sides leads to a wooden tower, where people are exploring.
Isle be Wild at Brodick Castle

5. Robert Burns Birthplace Museum, South Ayrshire

Our Burns-themed play area, Scots Wa-Hey, is perfect for young visitors and is full of fun features. The fantastic new facility includes a mini Burns Cottage, Tam o’ Shanter zip wire, Witches’ Cauldron roundabout and Auld Kirk climbing wall, and makes a feature of the Scots language.

A playpark constructed from timber. Wooden slopes lead onto elevated walkways, and underneath one is a giant cotton reel tube for children to crawl through. In the background is a miniature white cottage.
Scots Wa-Hey at Robert Burns Birthplace Museum

6. Brodie Castle, Moray

Brodie Castle is home to two fantastic play areas. Enjoy climbing and sliding in the popular adventure playground, or explore the brand-new Playful Garden – home to Scotland’s biggest rabbit sculpture as well as lots of quirky, magical and interactive things to discover.

A view of the Playful Garden at Brodie Castle, showing visitors playing on various installations. Children run around a miniature Brodie Castle on the right. In the foreground, children play on giant spinning bobbins.
The Playful Garden at Brodie Castle

7. Drum Castle, Garden & Estate, Aberdeenshire

New for 2024!

Our new natural play area encourages children and families to explore and re-imagine ‘traditional’ play. The 1-acre play area swaps traditional play park equipment for a more natural approach, with swings, slides and rubber matting replaced by an array of giant tree structures and carved oak sculptures to provide kids of all ages with an exciting new way to play.

A young boy stands in a hollowed tree trunk, lying on its side to form a tunnel. His dad lies on top, peering over the edge.
The natural playground at Drum Castle

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