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29 Aug 2019

Battle of Bannockburn Archaeology Lecture Series: Staffa

Choppy, white-capped waves rush towards the shore of the island of Staffa. The tall rock columns are very clear from the sea.
Approaching the island of Staffa by boat
The Battle of Bannockburn host lectures on the first Tuesday of every month all year round and this summer we’ve been running an archaeology-themed series.

So far we’ve had a great mix of fantastic speakers, including Maya Hoole from Historic Environment Scotland who enlightened us on the Ava Beaker Burial Project; Dr Natasha Ferguson from the National Trust for Scotland who gave an insightful talk on Project Reveal; and Dr Michael Stratigos from the Scottish Universities Research Centre who shared his expertise on the history of crannogs. To conclude the Archaeology Lecture Series, we’re thrilled that Dr Stuart Jeffrey from the Glasgow School of Art will be joining us to deliver a fascinating lecture on the Isle of Staffa.

People digging on the island of Staffa
Archaeological dig on Staffa

The lecture, entitled ‘The Temple of the Western Main: Recent Research Work on the Isle of Staffa’, will provide an insight into the Historical Archaeology Research Project on Staffa (HARPS). The HARPS team completed a survey, laser scanning, sound recording and test pitting in 2014 and then went on to investigate the archaeology on the island. They have done some fantastic work on graffiti recording as well as undertaking an excavation in the vicinity of the bothy.

If you’d like to find out more about this exciting project, come along to the Battle of Bannockburn on Tuesday 10 September at 7pm to hear about it from Dr Stuart Jeffrey himself. Tickets are £5 and can be reserved by calling 01786 812664 or emailing

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