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21 Jul 2023

Crathes Castle reinvents its rose garden

Written by Sarah Burnett
The new rose garden at Crathes Castle | Image by Abermedia
The garden team at Crathes Castle, in Aberdeenshire, has completed the ‘renaissance’ of the centuries-old rose garden, thanks to generous support from donors.

Our garden team at Crathes Castle is celebrating the completion of a new rose garden, after over a decade of planning, reconstruction work and planting. The redesigned garden – which looks both backwards and forwards in time for design inspiration – opens to our supporters and the public from 23 July.

In reinventing the centuries-old rose garden at Crathes, the gardens team has looked across five millennia for inspiration, including the area’s Neolithic past, the history of Crathes and the local area, the Arts & Crafts movement, and 21st-century sustainability challenges.

Visitors are describing the work as a ‘renaissance’ of the Rose Garden, one of eight ‘rooms’ in the castle’s internationally known walled garden. The design also provides a model for how to update and rejuvenate the traditional format of the Victorian rose garden to feel more engaging and relevant for current generations.

A view from above of Crathes Castle and Garden, complete with the new rose garden | Image by Abermedia

James Hannaford, Head Gardener at Crathes Castle, explained: ‘While the rose garden was rejuvenated several times in the 20th century, the designs and plantings still looked back to a traditional, formal Victorian design, a format that was looking tired by the 2010s. So, while the earlier designs had been classics of their time, the team set themselves the challenge to reimagine the design, bringing it alive for new generations while also referencing its history and retaining elements like the famous yew hedges which date back to 1702 or earlier.

‘Following several years of design and planning by our gardeners and other specialists, and then a year of reconstruction, ground preparation and planting, the garden is now in full and glorious bloom for the first time this summer. We hope that people of all ages will love this garden, enjoy it, help us care for it and share it.’

Head Gardener James Hannaford | Image by Dougie Cunningham

Throughout the new garden are elements from the history of Crathes Castle, which dates back to the 16th century and was the home of the Burnett family for some 350 years: the layout of the eight flower beds replicates a stylised Burnett rose; the use of lavender in the outer borders references the historical lavender industry around Banchory; and materials used in the construction, such as Caithness stone, are locally sourced. The centrepiece of the garden is a carved granite reproduction of a Neolithic stone ball, or petrosphere. Predominantly found in the north east of Scotland and dating back to over 4,500 years ago, these balls are thought to have been status or ceremonial items.

The more 21st-century elements in the design include wildlife-friendly planting, the choice of new plant varieties with good drought, pest and disease resistance, and the use of recycled materials, all in support of our new 10-year gardens strategy, launched earlier this year. The strategy sets out our aims to conserve and celebrate the heritage of the 38 gardens we care for, and the 100,000 garden plants we look after within them: to make our gardens more resilient and environmentally friendly; to increase and widen their appeal; and to expand the provision of specialist gardening skills, training and learning.

Chris Wardle, Gardens and Designed Landscapes Manager for the North East, added: ‘Our new National Trust for Scotland gardens strategy, with its vision of Connecting People, Plants and Places, recognises that our beautiful gardens and designed landscapes are very much about people: the people who created them, work and volunteer in them, and experience them. The new rose garden at Crathes encapsulates that – it results from the creativity, planning, expertise and generosity of a wide cast of people who love this place, and who understand the power of gardens, designed landscapes and plants to inspire and create wellbeing. It’s taken many years of ideas and planning – and huge generosity from donors – to bring this garden to fruition, and all of us involved are very proud to finally share it with our supporters and the public.’

Chris Wardle, Gardens and Designed Landscapes Manager for the North East

The work to reinvent the Crathes rose garden was made possible by the late Professor Ian Young and his wife Sylvia, who enjoyed a long association with Aberdeenshire and its gardens, and funded many National Trust for Scotland projects across the North East. These included the new parterre garden at Pitmedden, opened in 2022, and the garden entrance at Crathes, as well as projects at Craigievar Castle and Drum Castle.

The rose garden is the third and final major project to be completed from the Youngs’ donation, and represents the largest-ever single investment in the Crathes heritage garden in its history. Ian and Sylvia, who shared a love of gardens and roses in particular, were involved in the project from its earliest stages, encouraging the Trust to go ahead with the project, contributing ideas to the design process, and fully funding the project. Members of the Young family will be present at the opening of the garden in July.

Our Chief Executive Philip Long OBE welcomed the presence of the Young family at the opening of the new rose garden: ‘The Young family’s generosity to the National Trust for Scotland has created and conserved some magnificent gardens across the North East, and provided powerful support to our charity’s vision to provide access and enjoyment for everyone. Nature, gardens and designed landscapes have never been more important as places where people can relax, learn, meet and create memories, and we are grateful for everyone who makes it possible – through their donations, membership, volunteering or visits – for the Trust to conserve and share our own gardens and landscapes. Without them, we simply could not deliver our work to protect and share Scotland’s wonderful nature, beauty and heritage.’

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