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3 Sept 2019

Exploring the beauty of Glencoe

A view of Glencoe with a stormy, dramatic sky
© Ross Dickie
With breathtaking scenery and poignant history, Glencoe is an inspiring landscape for millions of visitors each year, with many spending hours capturing their visit on camera.

That’s why, to celebrate World Photography Day on 19 August, we invited some of Scotland’s top landscape photographers on a behind-the-scenes tour of the glen to discover some of our rangers’ favourite spots for the perfect shot.

People looking at an exhibition in Glencoe Visitor Centre
© Connor Mollison

Starting their journey in our newly refurbished visitor centre and gateway to Glencoe, the photographers, Connor Mollison, Ross Dickie and Michael MacDonald, were taken on a journey through millions of years of Glencoe’s history in the centre’s new cinema. They were then whisked off in a Land Rover with senior ranger Scott McCombie.

As Scott drove the group to photograph viewpoints off the beaten track, he told them of the work that goes on behind the scenes to protect one of Scotland’s most famous and cherished natural landscapes. This vital work ensures the 2 million visitors each year have the best possible experience.

The photographers have shared some of their top shots from the day with us and why they loved their visit so much:

Connor Mollison

Connor enjoyed seeing a different side to Glencoe and learning that it’s more than just hills and pretty cottages. He said: ‘As a frequent visitor to Glencoe, I’ve always appreciated the landscape, however, I had no idea just how much goes into looking after the area all year round.’ He definitely recommends taking the ranger-led safari to get a deeper understanding of what goes on here.

View Connor’s photography.

Ross Dickie

Ross was delighted to take a trip to one of Scotland’s most photogenic landscapes on World Photography day. He said: ‘I was lucky enough to get off the beaten track with Scott’s guidance and local expertise. The recently refurbished Glencoe Visitor Centre is a great starting point to reaching lesser-known viewpoints and I was fascinated to hear about the work the National Trust for Scotland does to protect this iconic area for future generations.’

View Ross’s photography.

Michael MacDonald

A Land Rover splashing through a burn in Glencoe
© Ruanaich

Glencoe has held a place in Michael’s heart as long as he’s known it, and he thoroughly enjoyed his time with the group. He said: ‘The recently refurbished centre looks fantastic both inside and out. Nestled in beautiful birch woodland, the shop, café and entrance have all been renovated in sympathy with their surroundings.

‘Scott drove us up and down tracks we may not have discovered for ourselves. He explained just some of the work National Trust for Scotland does in and around Glencoe. We talked wildlife, geology, access rights and education – all vital components to this amazing place.’

View Michael’s photography and read his blog about Glencoe Visitor Centre.

Glencoe National Nature Reserve and Visitor Centre offers an essential gateway to the glen’s history and wildlife, with inspiring walks and the chance to refuel in a new café with panoramic views.

Explore Glencoe

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