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Meet the Makers: Alison and Simon Henderson from Earth Squared

A man and a woman sit in the stands of a stadium
Alison and Simon Henderson from Earth Squared
The Trust is proud to support talented makers and craftspeople from across Scotland, by selling their products in our physical and online shops. This time we meet Alison and Simon, the directors of Earth Squared.

Please introduce yourselves and your business

We are Alison and Simon Henderson, Directors of Earth Squared, a fair trade fashion accessories brand based in North Berwick, East Lothian.

We are lucky to work in a lovely office building with sea views with our fabulous team: Nicole, Caroline and Rosy.

What products do you make/design/create?

We create fashion accessories, including handbags, purses, scarves and more, and we work with fair trade producers in Vietnam to bring them to life.

An image of three bags and a purse on top of a wooden table, in a garden.
A range of Earth Squared products

When and how did your business start?

Our business started in 2001 when Alison returned from volunteering in Guatemala. Passionate about social justice and keen to start a business, Alison’s vision from the outset was to create a fair trade business that was commercial and with an emphasis on design and quality. Initially selling online, we opened a shop in Edinburgh, then Glasgow and sold a variety of products, including homewares and gifts, before deciding to focus on fashion accessories, which is what we are known for today. In 2007, we changed direction and began supplying shops and heritage sites, and now supply hundreds of fabulous stockists around the UK and overseas.

An image of the Earth Squared office with a car parked outside, and trees in the surroundings.
The Earth Squared office

Can you tell us about fair trade?

For us, fair trade is at the heart of what we do. Fair trade means that the artisans who work with us are paid fairly and work in good working conditions. Further, we pay them before production and work hard to ensure they have predictable, reliable advance orders and continuous and sustainable employment opportunities. We are delighted to have worked with the same artisans pretty much since we started — and visit them twice a year to work on new products. We are proudly Scottish and design everything at our base in North Berwick, but want our products to make a real difference to those overseas that make them. In 2023, we were also delighted to become a certified B Corporation, an international standard that means we balance purpose with profit which certifies our environmental and social impact as a business.

Can you tell us about your sustainability initiatives?

We prioritise sustainability because we must reduce our impact on the planet’s resources whenever possible. We’re proud to say that we now use fully biodegradable and compostable packaging that mimics the look and feel of plastic but completely dissolves in water — it’s truly remarkable. We’ve encouraged many other accessory brands to adopt it as well. Additionally, all our products feature linings made from recycled fabrics, and we’re thrilled to announce the introduction of new tweed fabrics crafted from recycled yarns later this year. We’re also excited to unveil a brand-new collection made entirely from ocean waste plastic, representing a fresh and innovative direction that we believe will resonate with eco-conscious consumers.

Are there any interesting materials that you use?

As our collections are designed to appeal to many different customers, we get the opportunity to work with many interesting fabrics, all of which have a distinctive look and feel. A bit more information about our tweeds is below, but generally, we are increasing the use of recycled yarns in our fabrics, including our Voyage range of lightweight backpacks and the lining in all of our products. Our latest collection, the Weave range, is made entirely from recycled marine waste plastic and is strong, lightweight, and machine washable. We are very excited to see what customers think.

Can you tell us about your Tweed fabrics?

Our tweed fabrics are unique to Earth Squared — we introduce new tweeds every year to keep things fresh and interesting, and they are a real labour of love. We create the palette and overall look, and the designs are then developed by Anja, a Scottish College of Textiles graduate who designs the intricate weave necessary to bring these fabulous fabrics to life. Later this year, we will introduce tweeds made from recycled yarns, another important and exciting step in our commitment to increased sustainability.

What are your best-selling products?

Our Applique range always goes down well. It features our tweeds and a variety of hand-stitched motifs, ranging from dogs and cats to Nessie. We have a lot of fun creating something fun and friendly that hopefully puts a smile on the faces of customers.

An image of six tweed pouches each featuring different animal motifs, such as a highland cow, a dog and a puffin.
The Earth Squared Applique range

How did your business start working with the Trust?

We first met the Trust at a trade fair many years ago, where our display caught the eye of the buyer. Since then, we have worked closely with them to ensure we make exactly what visitors to the properties are looking for — Scottish-designed products with flair. We absolutely love working with the Trust — it’s always fun developing new products for them, and we really value our relationship with them.

What’s your favourite product that you supply to the Trust and what was the inspiration behind creating it?

We have developed a Highland cow purse for the Trust, which continues to appeal to customers old and young! Using our tweed fabrics as a base and designed to tie in with other ranges the Trust is selling, we wanted to create a modern yet cute cow motif with a blend of multi-coloured yarns. Feedback has been great, and we are looking to develop other products using the same motif. After all, who doesn’t love a Highland cow?!

What’s your favourite Trust place?

Simon was raised in Alloway, Ayrshire, so Burns Cottage is always close to his heart. It was just around the corner from his primary school, which was regularly involved in special events or whenever a dignitary visited. Additionally, he has countless fond memories of Culzean Castle, just a few miles from home, where he worked alongside the Park Rangers to maintain the woodlands and ponds and enjoyed fun runs!

A view of Culzean Castle from the manicured lawns on a bright sunny day, with not a cloud in the sky. A sprig of white flowers peeks out in the foreground. Palm trees grow by the stone wall before the ground rises to the castle.
Culzean Castle

What do you love about Scotland?

There is so much to love about Scotland, but we are huge fans of the stunning coastline. Based in North Berwick, the sea forms an ever-present backdrop, and there is nothing better than a bracing walk along the beach to blow away the cobwebs and re-energise. We are very lucky to live and work in such a fabulous country.

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