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19 Oct 2020

Project Wipeout spreads south

A purple-flowered rhododendron grows in amongst pine trees and ferns in a densely planted area.
Rhododendron ponticum is one of the key species that Project Wipeout is working to remove at sites across Scotland.
Work to get rid of invasive plants at our properties is now underway at Brodie, Brodick and Culzean.

Work to wipe out invasive plant species at a series of Trust sites has spread further south this autumn.

Contractors are clearing Rhododendron ponticum from the grounds at Brodie Castle in Moray, Brodick Castle on Arran and Culzean Castle in South Ayrshire this month, as part of the push to remove these non-native plants from Trust sites across Scotland and give native species the chance to flourish once again.

Supported by funding raised by the players of People’s Postcode Lottery, awarded through the Postcode Earth Trust, the Nature Scot Biodiversity Challenge Fund and Baillie Gifford, this project will tackle species including Japanese knotweed, American skunk cabbage and Rhododendron ponticum, at a number of our places across Scotland.

Will Humpington from People’s Postcode Lottery said: ‘It’s great to hear that this important project to protect Scotland’s natural heritage is spreading to more sites, and we are pleased that the players of People’s Postcode Lottery are playing their part in making it happen’.

Efforts commenced in August with work in Wester Ross, at Balmacara, Kintail and Torridon and has now extended south and east.

  • At Brodie Castle, Rhododendron ponticum is being weeded out from the woodland walk area around the pond, giving native woodland plants more space to grow.
  • On Arran at Brodick Castle, the problematic Rhododendron ponticum is being removed from around the grounds to protect the castle’s other fantastic rhododendron species from disease.
  • Over the Firth of Clyde, at Culzean Castle, the focus is on areas close to the coastline, where Rhododendron ponticum has taken hold and crowded out important native species.
“By removing these non-native plants, we are giving our beautiful native flora the chance to flourish, benefitting our biodiversity and the wildlife.”
Jeff Waddell
Senior Nature Conservation Advisor
Two logos side by side. One reading: People's Postcode Lottery and the other: Postcode Earth Trust

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