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Tasty Christmas recipe – Perkins

Five biscuits are stacked in a tower and tied together with gold ribbon. A candy cane and cloves lie on the table in the background.
Perkins biscuits
Follow these 6 simple steps to make tasty Perkins – traditional spicy Scottish biscuits.


250g flour

250g oatmeal

125g butter

180g caster sugar

180g golden syrup

1½ tsp baking soda

1 egg

30g halved blanched almonds

1 tsp mixed spice

1 tsp ginger

1 tsp cinnamon


1. Set oven to 160°C.

2. Sieve dry ingredients then rub in the butter

3. Add the egg and syrup and mix to a stiff dough.

4. Roll into pieces the size of a large marble and place half an almond on each.

5. Bake for approx. 10–15 minutes, until evenly brown.

6. Cool on a wire tray and store in an air-tight tin.
