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25 Sept 2019

Trustee election results

An audience raising hands holding ballot cards
The results of the Trustee elections were announced at the Trust’s 2019 Annual General Meeting which was held in the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall on 21 September.

Our Trustees are responsible for the Trust’s strategic direction and for representing our members in decision making.

To ensure a broad and high level of skills and experience on the Board of Trustees, all applicants for election were assessed by the Trust’s Nominations Committee.

Announced at the meeting were some departures and additions to the Board of Trustees, with Deputy Chair Jill Carrick and Ben Tindall stepping down after two terms of loyal service as well as Veronica Morriss, who has also stepped down.

James Fenton was re-elected and continues as a Trustee.

The three new members who have now joined the Board are:

Wendy Corrigan – An architect in a Glasgow practice, with 20 years of experience in conservation.

Professor Murray Pittock – Professor and pro-Vice-Principal at the University of Glasgow and Scottish History advisor to the Trust.

Penny Martin – Specialist in Scottish photography, 18th-century gardens, museums and editor-in-chief of The Gentlewoman.

We welcome our new and returning Trustees to the Board.