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29 Jul 2022

Staffa improvements timings

Island with grey stone columns, in a blue sea
A project to update visitor infrastructure on Staffa National Nature Reserve will begin in September 2022.

Staffa has been in the care of the National Trust for Scotland since 1986. It’s a world-famous National Nature Reserve, a Site of Special Scientific Interest and sits in the centre of the Loch na Keal, Isle of Mull National Scenic Area. The sea around Staffa is also a Marine Protected Area and Special Area of Conservation.

The wildlife, geology and dramatic scenery draw around 100,000 visitors every year.

The issue

The existing access infrastructure on Staffa is in need of urgent improvement and repair. Visitor numbers to Staffa have risen dramatically in recent years and at times congestion on the staircase can be very problematic.

The high number of visitors to the top of the island has caused erosion, which requires new path works.

As the charity which protects and cares for Staffa, the National Trust for Scotland is seeking to improve the access infrastructure.

A close-up of a puffin with a row of sand eels dangling from its brightly coloured beak.
Staffa is an important seabird colony for Scotland.

Our plans

We’ve received planning permission for an ambitious project to, for the first time, update the visitor infrastructure on Staffa in a holistic way.

We’ve been able to take account of the island’s multiple designations and special features to come up with plans that will ensure that visitors have an enjoyable, memorable and safe experience, while continuing to protect everything that makes Staffa special.

We’ll be improving the paths, landing area and stairs.

An artist's impression of proposed changes to infrastructure on the island of Staffa, showing a set of stone steps leading towards some cliffs.
Plans for Staffa will improve the landing area, stairs and paths on the island.

Timings and access

We’ll start work pathwork in September 2022 – after the seabird breeding season. We expect this to take around four weeks, depending on weather. While this work is underway, the island will remain open for visitors, including Fingal’s Cave.

Next, we plan to work on the landing area and to complete this as early as possible in 2023. While contractors are on island, it will not be possible to access Staffa, including Fingal’s Cave.

Then, after the seabird breeding season in 2023, we will return for the staircase work. While work on the stairs is underway, there will be no access to the island, including Fingal’s Cave.

We hope that all the upgrades will be in place for Spring 2024, depending on contractors, weather and all the other factors involved in a project of this scale, in this location.

The challenges

A construction project on an island in this location, with many complex factors to consider and work through, is a huge challenge. We’ve worked with our experts from within and outwith our charity to come up with a timeline that gives us the best chance to get the works completed with minimum disruption to wildlife and to people.

With the many different elements to consider, our plans and timelines will need to be flexible and could change as the work proceeds.

There will be times during some of the works that landing on Staffa won't be possible. We’ll keep the local boat operators up to date with plans and will do all we can to limit restrictions.

Please check the Staffa page for the latest info – we’ll highlight any closures there.

Another challenge for our charity is covering the cost of a project of this scale. Latest estimates suggest this project will cost around £1.6 million. We’ve secured some support from the Rural Tourism Infrastructure Fund (RTIF), administered by Argyll and Bute Council. This grant has enabled us to explore the options and to prepare a further funding bid to RTIF which could cover a significant proportion of the major costs of carrying out this project.

Nature, Beauty & Heritage for Everyone

This project is one of the first to come out of our new 10-year strategy Nature, Beauty & Heritage for Everyone. It fits with all three of our pillars – conservation, engagement and sustainability.

Watch this space for more news.

Dense clusters of pink thrift flowers grow on a grassy cliffside, with the sea seen far below.
Staffa is rich in wildlfowers and wildlife