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13 Sept 2018

A’ toirt suil nas mionaidiche air na dealbhan aig Mairead Fay Shaw

Written by Lily Barnes – Docamaideadh is Digiteachadh
Beàrnan-brìde breagha ann an gàrradh Taigh Chanaigh
A’ rannsachadh gu mionaidiche na dealbhan bhreagha aig Mairead.
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The Morton Charitable Trust has been funding fieldwork on the National Trust for Scotland’s photographic collections since 2014. In 2018–19, this work will further raise the profile of the collections through research, articles, talks and dedicated projects. The project will also involve the digitisation of the Margaret Fay Shaw photographic archive of mid-20th-century Hebridean life, leading to an updated database with high-quality images.

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